We are pleased to announce the CR-PRO Credential Provisioning – V2.0.2.0 GA Release which has the following improvements:
- Auto-detection and configuration of the database settings when installed on the CCURE Server
- Added Start menu shortcuts to easily launch the Password encryption and baretail log monitoring tools
- Addition of a graphical client for easy configuration of the different software modules
- Help snippets can be directly displayed that provide info on individual settings
- Easily Start/Stop the service directly from the UI
- Auto-preparation of import directories based on detected licenses
- Support for UDF Fields for license plates
- Added Baretail by default int the installation package for easy troubleshooting
- Includes pre-configured journal monitoring colour scheme
Complete new licensing system:
- Delivery of temporary licenses
- Register online for your full license: no HostID required, can be done before installation on the customer site
- Support for demo/evaluation licenses
And other technical improvements/optimizations.

Links and datasheets
CR-PRO V2 – QRCG – Visitor QR Code product page or the CR-PRO V2 – Lumo – Nedap Lumo product page.
You can download the datasheets from our or Software Download page.