CC9K Log Analysis is an advanced analysis tool for managing and maintaining larger CCURE9000 installations. The tool boasts an advanced journal analyzer, consistency checks and compliance verification of certain programming rules, such as global programming standards, across different sites. This is especially useful in case of enterprise systems that may be managed by different integrators.

Such systems are a challenge to be managed efficiently using standard system verification procedures. So automated system analysis is required to identify issues fast.

One of it’s main strengths is that it does not just perform queries on a database to give you static data. Instead, it performs a series of smart algorithms on the system journal in order to detect issues with the system that can be complex in nature.

Key Functionality

  • generate door usage and alarm statistics
  • perform log analysis to identify system issues such as components starting to malfunction, doors that are being held open too long or that are being forced too many times, doors being “unused” all the time (ex. because the door contact is malfunctioning), …
  • verify all component names and descriptions comply with the customers’ naming convention
  • display a complete searchable/filterable hardware tree of the installation for fast hardware localization
  • create commissioning reports for selected doors, making sure all signals are received OK. All signals are located by the analysis engine, and an XLS report is generated that holds all test details per door and per controller. It also includes the naming report. This generated file show the complete functionality of the system.
  • Integrators can use this to automatically generate commissioning reports for their customers
  • Customers with very large sites can use it to verify their installations are commissioned and tested globally according to protocol
  • Within a log analysis report, the analysis engine will look at all door parameters and generate a maintenance list for the field engineers to verify. It even states probable issue causes depending on the analyzed data


Generate Door Usage and Alarm Statistics

Monthly stats for a door (organized per day)

Daily stats for a door (Organized per hour)

Searchable Hardware Tree

Input Alarm Overview


Component Name Verification


Door Commissioning Report Overview


Door Commissioning Report Detail


Create Buiding Maintenance Plan

And more…